Bookpresentation friday 28 september at Art The Hague
Sarah van der Pols “AMAE”
17.00 - 19.00 uur in stand number 36 /Galerie Jan van Hoof
Art The Hague
26 until september 30, 2018
Galerie Jan van Hoof
Unexpected Future, Zerp Galerie Rotterdam
From 22-08 until 23-09 2018, with recent work by a.o. Hans de Wit, Georg Bohle en Sarah van der Pols.
Hollandse Nieuwe, recente aanwinsten, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam
In the exhibition with recent acquisitions, a drawing by Sarah from 2009 was included. This came as a gift in the collection. You can see it from 23 June to 30 September 2018.
Amae 16, 75 x 115 cm, 2009
Kunstrai 2018 - Art Amsterdam
ZERP Galerie, Kunstrai - Art Amsterdam
Stand 01, 4-8 april 2018, RAI Amsterdam
A Fine Line
Groupshow at galery Zerp, Rotterdam
New date: to be announced
Photodrawing/ Tokyo Tower from Mori Art Tower/ pigmentink on Hahnemühle/ 30 x 40 cm/ 2017
Salon d’Hiver/ ZERP Galerie
17 december 2017 until 14 januar 2018
25 year Jan van Hoof gallery / anniversary exhibition part 1
21 januar tuntil 11 februar 2018
Jan van Hoof gallery
Amae 98/ 133 x 78 cm/ 2017
Solopresentation Galerie Jan van Hoof, Den Bosch
15 october until 5 november 2017
new big drawings in the Amae series
Art The Hague
4 until 8 october 2017
stand Galerie Jan van Hoof at Art The Hague
new small drawings in the Amae series